40 days for lifeVertical Divider
40 Days for Life 365 aims to see prayerful witnesses on the sidewalk each day that an abortion facility or referral center is open. Green Bay 40 Days for Life has committed to pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood on Oneida Street as much as possible throughout the year. To find out more, check out www.facebook.com/40Days365GB. TWICE YEARLY VIGIL
Pro-Life Green Bay participates in the twice yearly 40 Days for Life vigil. Please join us in peaceful prayer and fasting for an end to abortion that takes place 24/7 over a 40 day period. You can sign up to pray on the sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood on Oneida Street at www.40daysforlife.com/greenbay. |
sidewalk counselingPro-Life Green Bay aims to take at least one mission trip per quarter to sidewalk counsel in front of an abortion facility in Milwaukee.
Our next mission trip is tentatively scheduled for: June or July 2022 Our carpool leaves Green Bay in the afternoon and returns the same evening. NO SPECIAL TRAINING IS REQUIRED. If you are interested in joining, please contact us. Sidewalk counseling is the peaceful means of speaking with & praying for abortion-minded mothers and fathers outside of abortion facilities by lovingly presenting alternatives to abortion & encouraging them to choose life for their unborn babies. April 2022 trip
On April 19th, dedicated sidewalk counselors from Green Bay headed down to Milwaukee to encourage mothers to choose life for their babies. Sadly, 33 women entered the abortion facility. But... Praise God! 5 women said they were going to choose life that day! The ladies from Green Bay were able to speak extensively with 2 young men who had accompanied women to the clinic. Both young men did not think their friends should be getting an abortion, but felt they couldn't say anything because "it's a woman's right". We were able to encourage both young men in how to speak lovingly to their friends. One young man even began praying for his friend with us while she was in the clinic! december 2021 trip
In mid-December, members of Pro-Life Green Bay braved a snow storm to participate in Pro-Life WI's Empty Manger Carols in front of Affiliated Medical Services in Milwaukee, WI. september 2021 trip
On September 14th, a small group of us headed down to Milwaukee for our quarterly mission trip to sidewalk counsel at an abortion facility.
What an incredible day! We got to see the power of God changing people’s hearts and experience the blessing of joining with Him (through both prayer and action) as He fulfills His will. We witnessed 3 mother’s choose life for their babies + 2 “turnarounds” (people who headed into the clinic and bolted out in under 5 minutes!) We found out the next morning, one of those "turnarounds" confirmed she also CHOSE LIFE! 4 LIVES TOTAL! As one couple entered the facility, someone from our team felt the immediate need to drop to their knees and begin praying for them. They asked Jesus to bind up Satan and his lies from wreaking havoc on the couple's minds - and that any small seed of faith or truth ever planted in their hearts would spring forth in that moment. The counselor prayed that the couple would find something that made them feel sick inside and would come running out. To everyone's surprise, in under 2 minutes, the couple DID come running out! With the father saying "we're not killing my baby!" as they fled. A young mother tried to enter AMS carrying her little baby in a car carrier. Since AMS refuses to allow children in their clinic (after all, they are in the business of killing them), we put on a timer to see how long it would take for them to kick the girl out of their building. In 4 minutes, she was out and we were able to quickly help her across the street to the Women's Care Center where she would receive free and REAL help. We were overjoyed that this new mom, unexpectantly expecting baby #2, chose life for her little one's brother or sister! A mother and daughter came to the clinic. While the daughter was inside, one of our post-abortive counselors was able to discuss with the mom how much she wished her own mother had stopped her from getting an abortion. In another surprise exit of the day, the daughter zoomed out of the clinic in about 5 minutes (and praise God with nothing in her hand, ie: abortion pills). We pray that mother did have the courage to speak with and support her daughter. Perhaps best of all, we got to celebrate with the angels in heaven when one person from our team went down the street and began ministering to local residents. PRAISE GOD! THREE people gave their lives to Christ through the sharing of the gospel on the streets of Milwaukee!! Please be praying for Crystal, Beverly, and Leon! We shared a meal with our fellow pro-life friends to end the amazing day. Please keep praying for sidewalk counselors all over the world, and especially pray for those out on N. Farwell in Milwaukee. June 2021 trip
On June 15th, a group of us headed down to counsel and pray in Milwaukee. It was a different experience than we expected. Pro-Life Wisconsin state director, Dan Miller, wrote a blog post about what happened.
April 2021 trip
On Tuesday, April 13th 2021, a group of four of us took a trip down to Affiliated Medical Services on N. Farwell in Milwaukee. AMS is one of two abortion facilities in Milwaukee.
From 2pm-6:30pm we were on the sidewalk – truly in the trenches. At least 31 women entered the facility while we worked hard to dodge the facility’s escorts (aka “deathscorts”) and speak truth, life, and encouragement to the (mostly young) women. We were so thankful to have Dan Miller, state director for Pro-Life WI, as well as September & Mark (who came up with Dan for the Sidewalk Counseling Training we hosted in January) meet us on the sidewalk. There were a variety of different sidewalk counselors & public witnesses who came throughout the day. Two of us from Green Bay are post-abortive and we discussed the varying tactics people on the sidewalk were using & what we would have found most or least helpful in our situations. No matter the tactic, our impressions were all the same: we need to be regularly praying for the hearts of women tempted by abortion. Only God can soften hearts! One of us from Green Bay felt like God kept putting the word “blue” on her heart all morning as she was getting ready for the trip down. Once we arrived, she knew why. Woman after woman coming in were wearing the same shade of bright royal blue. Several had blue in their hair. Even the AMS worker, Robert, was decked out head-to-toe in royal blue scrubs (our understanding is he has worked there 27 years, and his job is to piece the babies back together after an abortion – please keep him in your prayers!) Why did God keep placing “blue” on our friend’s heart? We might never fully know, but it did make us realize that we DO know that God saw every one of the girls who entered that abortion facility. He knows what decision they did or didn’t make. He knows what is in store for their future. He has always known these things. Even if we can’t change someone’s mind, our God is sovereign over all. We went down with the realistic expectation that we would likely not see a baby saved. We know some days multiple women will decide to keep their babies and some days none will. We spent 4.5hrs on the sidewalk – watching 30 of 31 women march unphased into the belly of the beast only to exit in glossy-eyed defeat. It was 15 minutes past when the facility closed with one woman left inside. We had planned to stay until the last person left; however this particular woman had been inside for over 2 hours. She was hard to forget – she had come with her husband and young child in tow. We had begun to wonder if the abortion workers had slipped her out the side door. With a long drive ahead of us, we decided to go to our vehicle and start to pack up. We swung back around in front of the facility & rolled down the window in time to hear that in the 5 minutes we were gone – the young mother had emerged from the death mill stating she had decided to keep her baby!! She gave September a big hug and said her name was Mary. We all had a big laugh that we missed the day’s only save by a few moments. Either way, WE PRAISE GOD FOR HIS WORK IN MARY’S HEART! Please keep her in your prayers! Despite the long drive home, we gratefully took up the generous offer by Dan to have us and September & Mark over for a quick celebratory pizza. We were blessed to meet his wonderful wife, Janine, and get to enjoy some fellowship time together. The day had been exhausting in ways we hadn’t expected and also not as exhausting in other ways we thought it would be. Once off the sidewalk, we were all kind of buzzing. We left Dan & Janine’s with a warm glow, satisfied tummies, and full hearts. It was just the wind-down we needed after our first stint on Farwell. We are so grateful for these prayer warriors’ faithful service to the Lord, and we look forward to serving with them again in this important work. Here are some snaps that (king-of-the-selfies) Dan “The Tree” Miller took of the day. Some of the things we were not expecting were the amount of vehicles that reeked of marijuana as the girls they were dropping off hopped out. Or the amount of women getting picked up with young children in their cars (a few little ones were sadly not even in car seats). It was abundantly clear that abortion is the pinnacle culmination of a world steeped in sin. It is a symptom of a broken world. All the more reason to be praying for these men and women. We cry out for their repentance & conversion so they may experience the full force of God’s redeeming love. Speaking of redemption, our sovereign God just so had it planned that the day this Mission Trip was scheduled also fell on an abortion anniversary of someone from our group. We praise God for a life transformed by Jesus’ blood! He knew; He knew all along. |
Pro-Life Green Bay is a ministry of Life Bridge Christian Church.